
Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Hair Tip {for no cost}

I have been a little...lax when it comes to posting the last week or two. whoops! Hopefully this wonderful summer hair tip makes up for my slack!

As a woman, I adore my hair.  They say that you always want what you don't have and until about 2 1/2 years ago I would agree with that.  With the birth of my daughter also came the fun relaxed wavy curls on my head (with the help of a little Garnier Fructis($4).  But, there is something that I dread about my hair when summer time comes along...

My hair becomes brittle and dry.  Especially when my husband and kids want to go spend time in the pool 4 out of 7 days of the week.  My body loves the extra vitamin D but my hair, hates the chlorine. My ends feel horrible and the chlorine turns every strand of my hair stiff as a board! 

I had a hair appointment on Saturday morning and I was discussing this with my new stylist (she is pretty amazing).  She is a natural blond but does put color in her hair.  Now, I don't have blond hair but Krissy said that she is always concerned about her hair turning green {so for the blonds out there, take note!} 

TIP: Before going outside and getting in the pool, wet your hair with tap water. 
Your hair can only soak up so much water and when you wet it before, it won't give the chlorine as much of a chance to attack your strands. 

This little tip I have yet to try but was hopful that I would be able to do so this week or if you try it out, LET ME KNOW if it worked for you, please :)

Now, you can protect your hair {with water} AND your skin {with some SPF}

Happy Monday ALL*


  1. What a great tip! I'm looking for easy ways to tame my hair!
    I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you could return the follow if you get the chance and wish to :)
    Sapir @

  2. Thanks! Let me know if it works for you!! Heading over now to follow you :-)
