
Friday, July 27, 2012

If Marilyn Monroe was still alive...

....I think we would be friends. This is why;

The last quote brings me to this...whether you like Nicki Minaj or not, you should listen to her song, 'Marilyn Monroe' off of her Deluxe Edition Roman Reloaded.  I personally think it will put a PeP in your STEP today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Beauty Box SWAP!

CHECK IT OUT... 2 days left to sign up for Beauty Box!

So here goes it ... Click here to fill out your presh little form. SPREAD the LOVE, pass the word, get it out there. You know you want to join, everyone is doing it. Nothing like good ole peer pressure.

We will be taking information up until July 25th.. THAT'S LIKE forever away, the more the merrier is the motto.

You will then be assigned another blogger by July 31st. Send items by August 10th, reveal post by August 20th & link it up!

  • You MUST meet these deadlines, it is important that each & everyone that signs up gets what they signed up for.

  • Come back on August 10th for your link up.

Optional Rules

  • Grab the swap button & advertise via blog world.

  • Shout it out via Twitter, Facebook .. You get it right?

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Summer Hair Tip {for no cost}

I have been a little...lax when it comes to posting the last week or two. whoops! Hopefully this wonderful summer hair tip makes up for my slack!

As a woman, I adore my hair.  They say that you always want what you don't have and until about 2 1/2 years ago I would agree with that.  With the birth of my daughter also came the fun relaxed wavy curls on my head (with the help of a little Garnier Fructis($4).  But, there is something that I dread about my hair when summer time comes along...

My hair becomes brittle and dry.  Especially when my husband and kids want to go spend time in the pool 4 out of 7 days of the week.  My body loves the extra vitamin D but my hair, hates the chlorine. My ends feel horrible and the chlorine turns every strand of my hair stiff as a board! 

I had a hair appointment on Saturday morning and I was discussing this with my new stylist (she is pretty amazing).  She is a natural blond but does put color in her hair.  Now, I don't have blond hair but Krissy said that she is always concerned about her hair turning green {so for the blonds out there, take note!} 

TIP: Before going outside and getting in the pool, wet your hair with tap water. 
Your hair can only soak up so much water and when you wet it before, it won't give the chlorine as much of a chance to attack your strands. 

This little tip I have yet to try but was hopful that I would be able to do so this week or if you try it out, LET ME KNOW if it worked for you, please :)

Now, you can protect your hair {with water} AND your skin {with some SPF}

Happy Monday ALL*

Monday, July 9, 2012

Who doesnt love a pretty polish?

Nail Polish 101

If you are anything like me, going into a CVS or Walgreens is very time consuming.  Mostly because, I go straight to the nail polish isle and can spend an hour looking for the perfect nail polish color. 

This season, I have a slight obsession with the orange-pink/coral colors. 

Check out this new essie brand polish that I found and LOVE

I love the brightness of the color.  At first it has a hot pink color to it but on its more orange.


TIP:  When applying the first layer, apply polish horizontally to tip of your nail and then the remaining coats, vertically.  This will help with chipping {hopefully:)}

Happy Monday!

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Little Bit of Metal...In my FOOD

So...Who has ever been invited to a cookout and made the comment, "I'll bring the pasta salad!"?  To be honest, I have always been the girl that brings the chips and dip but lately I have been trying to branch out.  HA! 

This past weekend, my family and I were invited to a little get together.  I didn't get a chance to make anything and a quick stop at Martin's Supermarket deli sounded right up my alley.  My husband and kids waited in the car while I ran in.  I knew what I was going to order, so I asked for 2lbs of the Greek feta pasta and got out of Martins in record time.

When it was time to eat, I got the pasta out of the fridge and everyone helped themselves{right out of the container}.  When I sat down to eat everyone was going well UNTIL...

I took a bit of the pasta and felt a weird sensation of metal/aluminum meeting with a cavity that I had filled a while back.  I made some kind of a weird sound and then out of natural reaction bit down on the bite again.  That time I knew something was wrong.  I take the piece of pasta from my mouth and this is what I find....

Yep, that's right folks, that is a piece of metal{which later, after lab work was done, turns out to be part of a cooling coil that broke off in the fridge!}  

After calling Martins, they apologized and gave me my money back.  Oh, I guess I should mention that they also offered me another pasta, to which I declined.  DUH.  I forgot to mention that when I bit down the second time, it chipped my back molar filling so Martins Insurance company will also be taking care of that bill.  what a mess!

It may just be me but I feel as if I should get a years worth of FREE GROCERIES for the trouble this has caused, right?!

I am just thankful that it was me and not one of the kids! 

HAPPY WEEKEND and watch what you eat :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Moving On...

IT'S HAPPENING!! We are officially on the market! Well, its been a week BUT for those of you that have gone through the whole process it is super overwhelming and days feel like months. For those of you who have not been through is a little taste--

Day 1(June 25)- First day on the market; I think I checked the Re/Max website close to 1,000 times that day{1,000 may be pushing it but I bet 100 is RIGHT ON!}.  Finally, after a year of contemplating we took the plunge.  The time felt right and althought the market isn't on our side, lets face it...we are running out of room, QUICK! 

Our house is cute, perfect for a starter home and a couple just starting out or an older couple who doesn't need much room but for a family of six {i include the two dogs because, they are definitely a part of the family}, we are ready for a bigger home.  The kids share a room and although they love it, soon our son will soon be heading into kindergarten and sharing a room with your sister IS JUST NOT COOL anymore.  If he doesn't realize that now, its only a matter of time

Plus, I will be honest....Momma is ready for a bigger closet, his/her sinks and more kitchen space...maybe then I will learn to use all the pots and pans but until then, I will continue to use the excuse that {I can't find anything}.

DAY 4- Have you ever done a diet cleanse?  I haven't BUT, I hear that day 3 and 4 are the worst! haha.  Seriously, I felt like day 4 should have been day 364.  My husband mowed the lawn that night thinking that come day 5 people would notice his nice clean yard and someone would forsure want to buy our house.  --Cute, right??--

Day 6- SOLD! I wish! The listing was put in the Sunday ads, maybe this will help get people interested in our house, so it can become their home.

The last week has been a roller coaster of emotions.  Most people ask us if we have found a new home or if we are looking.  The answer is always this, "No.  We are selling first.  We have looked, fallen in love with the 'perfect house' and watched someone else make it there home." I have never been good at losing something that I love. We will take our chances that when our home sells, our true 'perfect house' will come along.  Until then, we will let it be and let whats meant to be...JUST BE.