
Friday, August 31, 2012

Dear Notre Dame

As you play your first game of the season in IRELAND tomorrow.  I want you to know that I will not be a fare weather fan, I will stand by you always. & these things I promise you...
{I promise to}
;Yell at the top of my lungs at the screen as if I were at the game {so loud that at times it scares my kids}
;Proudly wear my blue & gold or Irish green. 
;Put my koozie to use, even if the game does start at 9 am {hey, its 5 o'clock somewhere!}
; Try to understand and like Brian Kelly {this is a big one for me and should 100% show my love for you}

1 comment:

  1. love the little pic at the end! so cute :)

    found your blog through the blog hop and wanted to stop by and say hello :) please come check out my blog as well!
